Thursday, April 26, 2007

Still no word on when we're getting the new HVAC, dagnabbit

According to the original schedule, the new HVAC system installation should have been finished by today or tomorrow. Instead it might start in a couple of weeks. Might. Hard to tell when the guy who is supposed to be running the project is still covered in stitches and strung out on high levels of pain meds from his injuries.

I realize there's nothing that the contractor can do - when it's a small business with two primary partners, and the partner who was supposed to be in charge of your project gets seriously injured, there's not a whole lot they or you can do. It's just very frustrating.

We want to stick with them, but they're clearly getting very backlogged right as they're going into their busiest and most profitable season. I'm definitely worried that they're going to end up either deciding that they can't do it, or doing a rush job in order to get my big and much more difficult project with all of its old-house unknowns squeezed into their much easier, highly straight forward, easy-profit bread & butter summer work of maintaining, fixing and replacing systems for people's beach houses, which I've been told keeps them working pretty much from dawn til dusk once it begins. And it's already begun.

So as of right now I still intend to give them every chance to do this job (particularly since they've already bought my equipment but I haven't given them a deposit) but I'm getting other estimates just in case.

I just hate being put into this position. I feel really good about these guys, their references couldn't have been better, they've been wonderful to work with so far and they're a small business that I'm sure has already been hurt by losing one partner for several weeks, so I'm reluctant to hurt them more by sticking them with equipment they no longer need. But I have to protect myself as well, and I'm not willing to wait until they're free again in the fall if it comes down to that.


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